Last night, Mavis, Lydia and I turned up at Happy Daze with a cake and some lighted candles which formed the letters "Y P" Haha, gave her a plesant surprise with the help of her bf of course! Haha, thanks.

The first thing Yp told her bf when she saw us.
Yp: Baby, why you never tell me! (whacks him) Tell me I could have worn something nicer!
Omg, thats yp for you. Btw, the pink and black top she wore later was a gift from all of us, hoped you liked it : ) Haha, Happy Birthday once again.
Also, today's Teachers Day. Although it was not a compulsory day for the sec fours, I still went anyways. So many people came back, and I finally saw Jasper please. Was super happy : ) Jasper, Pinky, Evan and Vanessa Lee came back dressed in IJ school uniform. How cool was that! I miss those days in IJ with them. And coincidentally, todays Teachers Day Theme was Living The Good Old Days. Some teachers dressed up super retro, some other teachers came in their old school uniform. Mr Tang, Mr Jiow and Mr Armstrong turned up in SJI uniforms, Mrs Seng and some chinese teacher turned up in Cedar Uniform. Ms Lau, Ms Hwang, Ms Ratulangi, Ms Chow etc, turned up in IJ school uniforms. Oh man it was really funny! In the end, Ms Nic Teo was crowned MS RETRO.

Walked over to the primary school site with them.
Omg, primary school kids are ever so lovely and cheerful.
Didnt manage to talk to any of the primary school teachers
except for Mrs Toh and Mrs Drysdale. Haha.

Also, met Amanda, Lynette, Bird and my lovely cousin Drea.
Amanda made me laugh til I cried ok, she's such a retard!
Amanda: (whacks me) I'm very strong now ok! I'm in hockey!
Stace: OMG (laughs like mad) I thought you wanted to tell me that you're strong cos you're in rugby! WTH hockey! Hahaha. "I'm very strong now cos I'm in hockey!" Hahaha! (Lynette, Bird, Drea starts laughing, and I got whacked by Amanda again)

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